The EDGE | Review1 min read

Today, more and more people are getting an excellent education, multiple degrees, and acquiring many skills. In order to stand out as an employee, team member, or leader, you need to learn how to be ALL IN. Adam Tarnow and David Morrison discuss 4 areas (Energy, Diligence, Growth, and Endurance) that will help give you the EDGE in your organization or team.

Overall Impression

Adam and David’s book is a great short read with very high-yield, practical topics for standing out at work. This book gives very helpful principles for everyone: whether you’re a leader in the org chart or at the bottom of the totem pole.

Favorite Quotes

Planning is priceless but plans are useless.

Cold timid souls know neither victory nor defeat.

Teddy Roosevelt

Top Takeaways

  • Being ALL IN is the key to standing out, leading teams, and winning at work. Gain an EDGE with energy, diligence, growth, and endurance.
  • Bring energy by knowing your why, exuding optimism and gratitude, and taking care of yourself to be sustainable.
  • Be diligent in competence, solving problems resourcefully, and systematic productivity.
  • Keep growing through self-leadership, thinking like an owner, and being flexible in the wake of uncertainty or challenges.
  • Endurance involves resilience when you face challenges or uncertainties.


Please note: If you liked this review or my linked summary, I encourage you to purchase the book. This review is meant to be a supplement to the book and certainly not a substitute.

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