About On the Shelf

On the Shelf is my archive for book reviews of my favorite reads. This page covers topics in theology, health, and leadership.

While my wife brags about how many books she read as a kid, I am left only to boast about reading Curious George and a few Magic Treehouse books. No Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, (insert your favorite book series here). Until college, I never was much of a learner. And even then, my learning was all but fun. Many things changed in my life when I surrendered to God shortly before I graduated college and moved on to medical school, one of them being a love to learn.

I enjoy taking longer content and making it shorter, more complex content, and making it simpler. On the Shelf serves as my archive for book reviews covering topics in theology, health, and leadership.

Please note: These book reviews are meant to be a supplement to the book and are certainly not a substitute. A link will be available at the bottom of each book review for you to purchase the book.

Latest Book Reviews

  • The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest | Review
    In an attempt to defend the goodness of God, many interpreters have gone beyond what the biblical text actually says regarding the reason for the Canaanite conquest. The Bible does not say the Canaanites deserved to be driven out of the land because of their sin, wickedness, or uncleanness. Rather, it was a matter of…
  • The Lost World of Genesis One | Review
    John Walton’s The Lost World of Genesis One re-evaluates modern interpretations of the Creation account in light of growing knowledge in Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) culture and thought. He explains his Cosmic Temple Inauguration view in detail, highlighting the text’s emphasis on God creating a functional universe and the theological claims on which the text…
  • The EDGE | Review
    Today, more and more people are getting an excellent education, multiple degrees, and acquiring many skills. In order to stand out as an employee, team member, or leader, you need to learn how to be ALL IN. Adam Tarnow and David Morrison discuss 4 areas (Energy, Diligence, Growth, and Endurance) that will help give you…
  • Is God a Moral Monster? | Review
    Is God a Moral Monster takes on the most challenging passages of Scripture that serve as ammo for hostile non-Christians and weights that burden the conscience of Bible-reading Christians. Copan addresses topics of atheism, slavery, conquest, misogyny, weird laws, and several more by helping the reader read between the lines to see God’s goodness in…
  • God On Mute | Review
    While most Christians tend to live in Easter Sunday (ie wanting everything to be well & good), we forget Christ’s journey to the cross involved a Maundy Thursday in Gethsemane, a Good Friday on Golgotha, and a Holy Saturday of silence. God On Mute honestly, and at times humorously, takes you on a journey to…

Top Reads

Discerning God’s voice is a fruit not born out of discipline, will-power or proven methods, but out of an intimate conversational relationship with God.
As culture continues to change, people need transformational leaders who are committed to a mission, not a particular strategy.
Jesus Christ, the exact imprint of the Father’s nature, tells us He is gentle and lowly at heart and it is only in Him that we can understand who God truly is and find rest for our souls.