The Bible and Ancient Science | Review3 min read

Dr. Lamoureux lists 22 hermeneutical principles that help one honor scripture as the inspired word of God while at the same time not trying to force modern science and scripture to agree. By keeping in mind the purpose of scripture and its literary devices and genres, we can more accurately interpret Scripture and see to what extent God accommodated his word to the level of his people. The book is filled with numerous examples of ancient science and helpful summary tables as it addresses some of the most poignant concerns of conservative evangelicals.

Overall Impression

When scientific advances contradict the science in the Bible, what do we do? Do we try to fit the modern, scientific theory to align with scripture? Do we disregard modern scientific theory altogether? What if we’re misunderstanding scripture and should re-examine how we read it? Perhaps through the application of sound hermeneutical principles, we could rightly interpret scripture and hear what it’s actually trying to say. If we did, maybe we would find it indeed had no rival claim to modern scientific evidence and value could be ascertained from both science and scripture.

This book is magnificent. The brilliance of Dr. Lamoureux shines through his easy to understand, yet scholarly writing. The perceived rivalry between science and scripture has been documented as the number one reason people leave or deny Christianity. For this reason, every Christian should read this book with an open mind, ready to have their own views challenged.

The perceived rivalry between science and scripture is not the fault of the world, but the fault of the Church. This rivalry exists because of our eisegetical1ThoughtHub has a helpful explanation: The terms “exegesis” and “eisegesis” refer to how you read the Bible. At the most basic level, exegesis relies on the original context of a biblical passage to determine that passage’s meaning, while eisegesis uses things other than the original context of a biblical passage to determine that passage’s meaning. Exegesis Versus Eisegesis | SAGU. SAGU. Published February 16, 2017. Accessed January 25, 2023.,to%20determine%20that%20passage’s%20meaning.. misinterpretation of scripture and because of our misplacement of the issue into an essential doctrine/salvation category.

Favorite Quotes

[The message-incident principle] states that the ancient science in Scripture is incidental because God’s central purpose in the Bible is to reveal messages of faith, and not scientific facts about his creation (47).

Does conservative Christianity require scientific concordism? My answer is “no.” Christian faith is about Jesus, and Jesus alone. To use a well-known aphorism, Christianity is about the Rock of Ages, not the age of the rocks (160).

Essentially, we need to read Scripture through ancient eyes and with an ancient mindset (35).

Top Takeaways

  • God’s word is not a science textbook.
  • God accommodates his people. He did back then, he does today, and he will continue to do so.
  • Apply the message-incident principle to passages of Scripture pertaining to nature and science.


Please note: If you liked this review or my linked summary, I encourage you to purchase the book. This review is meant to be a supplement to the book and certainly not a substitute.

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1 Comment

  1. Alfred Abraham

    Excellent overview of the book!

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