Behind Our Name4 min read

Flip the Script is a blog and archive of aesthetic resources to help believers Search the Scriptures, Follow the King and Challenge the Norm. The name came about in 2020 when our world seemed to be unraveling. COVID-19 reminded us how fragile we truly are. Racial animosity from both sides peaked in response to real disparities, as well as a presidential election reminded us how divided we are. Cancel Culture found its footing & began to officially refute truths and impose its agenda; one that already proves to be a detriment to those who follow it.

Indeed Scripture predicts all of this and surely the rivalry towards God will only increase (2 Pet 3:3, 2 Tim 3:1-5). However Scripture promises a day when the tables will turn (Rev 21:4), when God will flip the script; bringing complete justice to evil (Rev 19:1) and reconciling all things to himself (Col 1:20). Though the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers with his limited power (2 Cor 4:4), Jesus Christ reigns as King and because of His rule, we as His followers have the opportunity to live in the Kingdom of God here and now, joining God in His work. I’ve seen Him flip the script in my life and I know he wants to do it not only in our lives, but our workplaces, churches and every sphere of influence.

Though the world has rejected God and He has given them up to their choices (Rom 1:28), the Church is not innocent of their blood (Acts 20:26-27, Ezek 3:18). We’ve preferred comfort & leisure over commitment to His purposes. God’s will for the Church is that it’d be a display of His glory and a carrier of His gospel. Is that how the world views the Church? To be sure, those who are separated from Christ will have no desire to belong to Him. But do we live in such a way they have nothing to revile (Titus 2:8)? Do we love & serve in a way they cannot deny that Jesus makes a difference in our lives (1 John 3:18)? Our churches often resemble country clubs more than they do God’s vessel of grace to the world.

God’s will for the Church is that it’d be a display of His glory and a carrier of His gospel.

We compartmentalize our faith that is “important” to us to a 1-2 hour reserved time slot on Sunday at church, then live the rest of the week like everyone else. We claim our Bible is the “Word of God” yet our intake of gossip, romance and sports far surpasses it. We believe we are reconciled to God and that He lives in us yet our prayer life consists of a few templated prayers at meals & bedtime. We say we have faith in the Son of God on whom the whole world pivots, yet this faith makes little difference in our lives. The world has good reason to mock.

Jesus emphasized His centrality to the Scriptures (John 5:39). He said if we seek Him, we’ll find Him (Matt 7:7). His disciple John taught that when we fix our eyes on Him, we’ll become more and more like him (1 John 3:2). And when we become like him, we’ll do as He did (1 John 2:6). Jesus challenged the norm of every aspect of life. He challenged Jews on their devotion to God’s Law. He challenged the rich on their love of wealth. He brought the proud to humiliation and took the down-trodden to new value. He invited the outcast to be included; the lame to walk with Him and the untouchables He embraced. This is who we are to be. As his disciples, may we Search the Scriptures to know Him. May we Follow the King & become like Him. And may we Challenge the Norm to see His kingdom come in our lives and the lives of others. Let us pray incessantly for God to flip the script in our generation while at the same time longing with incredible hope for the better country to which we belong.

For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.Hebrews 13:14

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