Let go of the status quo.

We all find ourselves in a paradox of satisfaction. On one hand, most of us go through life unsatisfied, always needing the next success, the better salary, the next house, or the next relationship. On the other hand, our problem is we are satisfied too easily. We are content to let life’s demands keep us busy and use our free time for fleeting pleasure.

Throughout the story of Scripture, God flips the script on the status quo, most climactically in the person of Jesus. What He’s always done, He’s still doing today. I’ve seen him flip the script in my life and I hope he uses this blog to grow me and help you in the process. Read Behind Our Name for more about the name of Flip the Script.

Let it be a settled principle in our minds, in reading the Bible, that Christ is the central sun of the whole book. So long as we keep Him in view, we shall never greatly err in our search for spiritual knowledge (John 5:39, Luke 24:44-45). – JC Ryle

The Gospel is not just a declaration of the Kingship of Jesus Christ but a call. Those who accept it are welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven here and now, invited to live as children of God and vessels for His will until the awaited complete union of Heaven & Earth (Luke 9:23).

Jesus’ prayer was that we would be God’s presence in the world, living in unity and holiness. He powerfully works in His sons & daughters to go against the wind of the world while they fixate on the glory of Christ and the coming of His Kingdom (Col 1:28, John 15:18-20, John 17:18).


Flip the Script is an archive composed of articles, book reviews and resources by people who love God and are passionate about His word & mission.

We provide sound writing for His Church to be edified & resources that are aesthetic, easy to use and easy to share.

Our content helps believers be strengthened in their faith and helps the seekers whom they love to discover the goodness of Christ.

The people of God live out the one great mission built on the two greatest commandments as their foundation.


Paul Anthony

Flip the Script was created as an archive to store writings and resources that stir my affections for Jesus. I surrendered to His Spirit in 2016 and have grown to learn & experience life’s abundance with Him at the center. Writing & creating resources has always been beneficial to my faith. Flip the Script serves as an avenue for me to share anything God helps me create for at least one other person to benefit.

Mandy Claire

God called me to himself in the Spring of 2017 after a few friends were radically changed by encounters with Jesus. From that point forward everything changed, including my career-path. Instead of seeking financial security and success in the eyes of the world, the Holy Spirit led me on the path to true joy. Today, I get to experience God at work in and through others. I’m fully convinced that there is no better way to live than by using my time and talents to help others know and learn from Jesus.

Our Prayer

By the mercies of God, may we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to You;
not being conformed to this world but transformed by the renewal of our minds,
and that by testing we may discern what is Your good, acceptable, and perfect will.

Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in your sight.
Let the work of my hands be for the mutual upbuilding of your children.
Let the love of my heart not rest in word or talk alone, but also in deed and in truth.

If you have questions, comments, or even better, a pun you’d like to share, reach out!


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